Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Letter To Mr. Murphy

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your incredible influence in my life its like an eye-opener. Nothing can be more relevant to our lives. If not anything else at least I know now whom to blame if things go wrong!!!!!

I have re-read about your laws and wonder how something can be so true and prudent. My personal favorite being “ Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” Have tried to go against it at times too; ( just to make a point you know) and have no shame in admitting that you are always right. Trust me no one can beat your common sense. I truly appreciate that.

When common sense is something which can only be found in museums, I think your laws should a part of high school curriculum, to have a better breed of youth.

I wish to meet you in person and discuss about the origin of “Murphy’s Law”. I am sure you have much interesting stories behind them to share with us.

Well done for such good work.



1 comment:

  1. how can i forget murphy wen u miss d flight boarding pass in hand nor can i forget him wen i encountered him by dropping things just at d opportune moment right before giving a presentation
